Fix the ‘ChatGPT is at Capacity Right Now’ Error

‘ChatGPT is at Capacity right now’ error has become very common these days and when it happens, the users are not able to use ChatGPT to generate responses even though they are logged on to their ChatGPT account.

I met with this error the other day when I was trying to use ChatGPT to generate a piece of code in the Python programming language for one of the projects I was working on.

It was so annoying and I thought about fixing this error on my own.

I figured out workarounds to fix this error and the same has been discussed in this article.

chatgpt is at capacity

It could be very annoying specially when you’ve to complete an urgent task.

So if you are caught in the same situation and trying to figure out how to fix this error, this article can be your savior

By the end, you’ll be able to figure out what is “ChatGPT is at Capacity right now” error, what are the possible causes and how could you fix this error.

Also See:

How to fix ChatGPT error in body stream

How to fix ChatGPT error code 1020

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has revolutionized the way how AI is used in different areas.

This Amazing Chatbot tool was created by OpenAI after years of research that could respond in a language easily understandable to humans.

ChatGPT does not just generate responses to your queries, it learns from the responses and successive responses are more tailored and specific to the user.

This AI-based chatbot has the ability to help you with your school/college assignments, write a resume, song, and poem, and even solve coding-related problems.

You can ask ChatGPT to write a full-fledged code for developing tools like an age calculator, pdf to word converter, YouTube video downloader, or anything else you can think of.

What is the ‘ChatGPT is at Capacity Right Now’ error-Why is ChatGPT not working?

According to Wikipedia, ChatGPT has 100 million active users as on January 2023 with millions of them adding every week.

The ChatGPT is at Capacity right now error mainly occurs when the server experiences overutilization of resources due to a large number of active users at a particular point in time.

ChatGPT is an online service that requires the server to operate smoothly just like any other online service platform.

So when the server is busy due to a high volume of traffic, it runs out of capacity.

This error is mainly noticed at the time of peak hours.

So whenever the ChatGPT server reaches the maximum capacity of serving live users, it throws the error.

When this error occurs for a particular user, they are not able to use ChatGPT.

It can last from a few minutes to hours depending upon the number of requests the ChatGPT server is able to handle.

So if you are experiencing ChatGPT is at Capacity right now error, why is ChatGPT not working, the sole reason for the error is the full utilization of ChatGPT resources and it is not able to accommodate any additional request during that particular session.

It is primarily encountered because of the problem with the ChatGPT backend.

However, in some cases, the problem is from the user’s end.

The workaround I’ve shared below can help in fixing the “ChatGPT is at Capacity right now” error.

How to Fix the ‘ChatGPT is at Capacity Right Now’ Error

ChatGPT is at Capacity right now and is one of many errors that people are reporting these days.

As the number of users is growing and the use of ChatGPT is increasing, people are facing different problems every day.

This tool is still under regular updation which is mainly feature updates and bug fixes.

Here is the workaround to fix the said error.

Refresh Page

Sometimes when the ChatGPT page is left idle for some time, the current session expires, and when you try to log in or if you have logged in already and type your query, it throws the capacity error.

It can be resolved by simply refreshing the ChatGPT page. It refreshes all the processes & services required and reloads them.

After reloading, check if the error is fixed.

Clear Cache & Cookies

Every time you open a website, the cookies & cached files are stored in a browser that can be used to improve the browser for a better user experience.

However, Cookies & Cached files could become troublemakers sometimes.

Hence clearing the cache & cookies from the browser can also help fix the error.

Here is how to delete cache & cookies on different browsers.


Go to the three dots at the top right side > Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data > Select Time Range “All Time” > Tick Checkboxes related to Cookies & Cache > Clear Data.


Go to Firefox from the above menu > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Cookies & Site Data > Tick both checkboxes > Clear Data.


Click three dots at the top right > Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search, and Services > Clear browsing data > Clear browsing data now > Select Time Range > Select Cookies & other data > Clear now.


Click Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Manage website data > Find openai & delete cookies & cached files.

Try Incognito Window

If you don’t want to delete cookies & cached files, try the Incognito window.

An Incognito window is a private window that disallows the storing of Cookies & Cached files.

Also, other information like passwords is not given the option to be stored.

Every time you open an incognito window, it is the same as if you are using a browser for the first time. No prior information is stored.

Here is how to open ChatGPT in an incognito window.

Start Google Chrome> Click three dots on the top right side > Choose New Incognito Window


Often when you try to generate too many responses in 1 hour, your activity on the website is limited for the time being.

Some of the users have reportedly applied the limitation for repeatedly accessive use of ChatGPT causing continuous utilization of the ChatGPT server and eventually adding up to push ChatGPT to its capacity.

This limitation is applied by restricting the IP address.

So if you are getting the “ChatGPT is at Capacity right now” error, the possibility of your IP applied restriction is immense.

This situation can be avoided by using VPN services. One of the best VPN services that worked for me is NordVPN.

I trust NordVPN because it is safe, faster, and costs the lowest among the best.

Activate NordVPN and check if the error persists.

Subscribe for the ChatGPT Plus plan

If the above workarounds don’t work, the last resort is to opt for the ChatGPT Plus plan.

It’s a paid version and has several advantages.

The advantages of ChatGPT Plus:

  • The Plus users are given first preference for new features & updates.
  • Plus users are less likely to encounter errors.
  • ChatGPT uses a large dataset and hence gives more accurate answers.
  • Regular access to ChatGPT even at peak hours.
  • Faster responses.

Wait for Some Time

If you don’t want to subscribe to the paid version of ChatGPT, wait for some time for ChatGPT to free up some resources before trying again.

Often the problem is fixed on its own in 30 minutes, sometimes it lasts longer.

If you are wondering how long dost ChatGPT stays at Capacity, the answer is, it varies.

As soon as the server gets relaxed a bit, the error could go away.

ChatGPT Alternatives

If for some reason, ChatGPT doesn’t work right currently, it’s worth trying the ChatGPT Alternatives until the chatbot gets back to working again.

However, the ChatGPT alternatives can also be used for those where ChatGPT is not supported.

Here are some of the best ChatGPT alternatives.

Bing AI-

The new Microsoft Bing search engine is powered by ChatGPT-4 which earlier was named something else and later confirmed to be ChatGPT-4.

The company has invested $10 billion in ChatGPT.

Google Bard-

Google Bard is a very close alternative to ChatGPT.

In fact, Google Bard was launched because ChatGPT is a threat to Google and if it doesn’t launch any AI chatbot, it will be left behind.

Although, at the time of writing this article, Google Bard is not available for everyone.

Soon the company is planning to announce it to all the countries.


Chatsonic is yet another great AI tool and a close alternative to ChatGPT.

Some of its features are more interesting than ChatGPT itself and that’s the reason why it has created a buzz on the internet as well.

Jasper Chat

Jasper Chat is a content generation AI-based tool and is mainly used by people who are involved in content strategies such as writing blog posts, website content, social media posts, etc.

Why is ChatGPT Always at Capacity

ChatGPT server is overwhelmed by the number of users currently using the tool which results in the occurrence of this error.

It has created a huge buzz all over the world and with 100 million users as of January 2023 with hundreds of thousands of them adding every single day, the ChatGPT server is too busy handling requests.

And since the load on the server is at its peak most of the time, it always gives a capacity error.

How Long Does ChatGPT Stay at Capacity

There is no exact time frame for how long ChatGPT stays at capacity.

Sometimes this error can disappear in a few minutes, sometimes it can take hours and even a whole day.

It totally depends on the number of requests ChatGPT is handling.

How Often is ChatGPT at Capacity

It becomes quite often when the server is busy serving requests.

So when the number of live users is always equal to the maximum number of requests, the error will always persist.

The server load should get back to normal before ChatGPT starts to work.


What is the “ChatGPT is capacity right now” error?

This error is seen whenever a user tries to log in to their ChatGPT account or sometimes when the chatGPT page is idle. When the error occurs, the user is not to use ChatGPT.

Why “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error occurs?

Whenever the ChatGPT server is utilized to its full capacity because of high traffic on the server, it returns the error.

What to do when this error is encountered

Refresh the ChatGPT page, delete cookies, Try Incognito Window, or use a VPN.

Is there any limitation to ChatGPT’s response to our queries?

Yes, but it is not officially told in numbers. That is why it is advisable to avoid unnecessary use of the tool.

Are there limitations for ChatGPT Plus users as well?

Yes, ChatGPT Plus users still have certain limitations. But ChatGPT plus users have several advantages as well.


ChatGPT is a web-based tool that requests servers to operate just like any other online application.

When the server is used up to its maximum capacity, it shows an error.

The same thing goes with ChatGPT as well.

When the ChatGPT server is used at full capacity, you will see the “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error.

This can be fixed by using a VPN or deleting the browser’s Cookies.

There are other alternatives such as Google Bard or Bing AI, but they are not as interesting as ChatGPT. That is just my view.

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